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Ventilating facades

Ventilating facades have very modern design, and offer some of the best thermal insulations available, along with a unique installation system provided by the ALTAS company.

Today they have become an almost mandatory method for lining, primarily office buildings, as they have an additional layer of air which provides excellent insulation, particularly in summer, which creates a high level of energy savings. The principle of ventilated facade remains the same regardless whether the external lining is made of light or heavy elements.

In these facades, the building is covered by a thermal insulation layer. This thermal insulation reduces the thermal differences on the wall structure and makes the walls temperature similar to the temperature of air in the inner rooms, and thus affects achieving high-quality residential comfort in the building.

During the summer, the system slowly accumulates heat, as the heat wave is mitigated during the transfer into the interior, and therefore the direct action of sunlight is reduced.

In addition to all these thermal advantages, the facades system has an air space between the thermal insulation and the exterior finish lining, which creates natural ventilation. The minimum width of this air space is not less than 30mm and it is very important during the summer, when the outer protective wall is heated, causing changes in the air layer density and heating inside the cavity when compared to the ambient air. The interior air heated in this way creates a “chimney effect”, moves upwards and exits through the ventilation openings and reduces the heating of the building by constant upward movements.

This effect is not present in winter, as due to the absence of strong heating of the external lining the temperature of the outside air and the air inside the ventilating space have roughly the same temperature and density, so that there are no significant air movements. The choice of outer lining is very important from the viewpoint of reliability and aesthetic appearance of the building.

For the outer lining, we can offer the following: Artificial granite tiles, tile lining manufactured by Trespa, Hunter Douglas, Parklex, FunderMax...

The ventilating facade offers top characteristics when it comes to resistance to weathering agents, impacts and aggressive conditions, it is very suitable for spreading and resistant to frost and sunlight. Granite enables all formats of tiles, in various shapes and dimensions, according to the requirements of the designers and the investor. Granite is installed with 1-3 mm wide joints.